

Thursday 26 June 2014

Analyzing Structure of a Newspaper Article

The structure of a daily newspaper article is very important. A decently organized article ought to be useful for the reader to take after and understand the article, and above all, it should engage the reader, and influence them to read full article.  The following articles, 'Germany grieves for a hero who dared not admit struggle with mental illness.' from the daily paper, “The Times”, and '"It was a real thrill", says tourist who accidently confronted with 18ft white shark and was nearly eaten.' Taken from “The Guardian”, will be contrasted with one another and examined.

The features of both articles are similar in the way that they both use sensational, eye catching words to grab the consideration of the spectator. The headline of the Germany story utilizes the words "hero" and "mental illness" which would make the spectator address how they could be connected and convince them to read on. In the shark article, the sentence '18ft great white shark' and quote, "it was a true rush" are incorporated. This is fascinating for the onlooker, and would make them need to discover all the more about their experience. The opening section of an article ought to quickly incorporate who was included, what happened, why it happened and where and when it happened. The Germany article incorporates each of the five of these focuses, while the shark article just incorporates who what and where. On the other hand, by excluding all the data, the reader is more inclined to peruse on to discover all the more about the story as the subtle element gets more created in the accompanying passages.

The end passages of the articles are comparable in the way that the less imperative and less important data is included towards the end. They have both been composed utilizing the upset pyramid structure, significance the data is organized in slipping request of vitality. The most paramount material is set at the start of the story and the less critical data takes after. It is successful on the grounds that it tells the spectator rapidly what they need.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

A newspaper

A newspaper is a periodical publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features, editorials, and advertising. It usually is printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. By 2007, there were 6,580 daily newspapers in the world selling 395 million copies a day. The worldwide recession of 2008, combined with the rapid growth of web-based alternatives, caused a serious decline in advertising and circulation, as many papers closed or sharply retrenched operations.

General-interest newspapers typically publish stories on local and national political events and personalities, crime, business, entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing editorials written by an editor and columns that express the personal opinions of writers. The newspaper is typically funded by paid subscriptionsand advertising.

A wide variety of material has been published in newspapers, including editorial opinions, criticism, persuasion and op-eds; obituaries; entertainment features such as crosswords, sudokuand horoscopes; weather news and forecasts; advice, food and other columns; reviews of radio, movies, television, plays and restaurants; classified ads; display ads, radio and television listings, inserts from local merchants, editorial cartoons, gag cartoons and comic strips.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Gazettes and bulletins

In Ancient Rome, Acta Diurna, or government announcement bulletins, were produced. They were carved in metal or stone and posted in public places.

In China, early government-produced news sheets, called tipao, circulated among court officials during the late Han dynasty (second and third centuries AD). Between 713 and 734, the Kaiyuan Za Bao ("Bulletin of the Court") of the Chinese Tang Dynasty published government news; it was handwritten on silk and read by government officials. In 1582, there was the first reference to privately published newssheets in Beijing, during the late Ming Dynasty.

In Early modern Europe the increased cross-border interaction created a rising need for information which was met by concise handwritten newssheets, called avvisi. In 1556, the government of Venice first published the monthly Notizie scritte, which cost one gazetta, a small coin. These avvisi were handwritten newsletters and used to convey political, military, and economic news quickly and efficiently to Italian cities (1500–1700) — sharing some characteristics of newspapers though usually not considered true newspapers.

However, none of these publications fully met the classical criteria for proper newspapers, as they were typically not intended for the general public and restricted to a certain range of topics.

Thursday 14 July 2011

News Paper

A newspaper is a regularly scheduled publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features and advertising. It usually is printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. By 2007, there were 6580 daily newspapers in the world selling 395 million copies a day. The worldwide recession of 2008, combined with the rapid growth of web-based alternatives, caused a serious decline in advertising and circulation, as many papers closed or sharply retrenched operations.

General-interest newspapers typically publish stories on local and national political events and personalities, crime, business, entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing editorials written by an editor and columns that express the personal opinions of writers. The newspaper is typically funded by paid subscriptions and advertising.

A wide variety of material has been published in newspapers, including editorial opinions, criticism, persuasion and op-eds; obituaries; entertainment features such as crosswords, sudoku and horoscopes; weather news and forecasts; advice, food and other columns; reviews of radio, movies, television, plays and restaurants; classified ads; display ads, radio and television listings, inserts from local merchants, editorial cartoons, gag cartoons and comic strips.